The standard time for the production and delivery of LadyS models is usually between 5 to 15 business days from the date of order.
Please note that it is in our interest for your package to reach you as soon as possible. However, in cases beyond our control, such as courier service operations, the situation in the country, holidays, non-working days, etc., the shipment may be delayed. In such cases, you will be notified in time.
We kindly ask for your patience and understanding in the event of any package delays.
Currently, we only deliver within the territory of Serbia. Packages are delivered by the DExpress and Postexpress courier services, and the delivery time is 5 to 15 business days.
Shipping costs are included in the product price.
Please note that DExpress now offers a locker service in larger cities, meaning if you know you won’t be home at the time of delivery, you can instruct your courier to leave your package at the nearest locker, where you can pick it up at a time that suits you.
DEexpress also offers „same-day“ and „next-day“ delivery options. This option is slightly more expensive but is available if needed.
Standardno vreme za izdradu i isporuku modela LadyS je u većini slučajeva između 5 do 15 radnih dana od dana poručivanja.
Molimo vas da uzmete u obzir da je nama u interesu da vaš paket što pre dođe do vas, ali u slučajevima na koje ne možemo da utičemo, kao što su rad kurirskih službi, situacija u zemlji, za vreme praznika, neradnih dana, itd., može se desiti da pošiljka kasni.
U tom slučaju bićete obavešteni na vreme.
Molimo vas za strpljenje i razumevanje ako dođe do kašnjenja paketa.
Trenutno isporučujemo samo na teritoriji Srbije. Paketi se isporučuju kurirskom službom DExpress i Postexpress a rok isporuke je 5 do 15 radnih dana.
Troškovi isporuke su uračunati u cenu proizvoda.
Imajte na umu da DExpress od skoro ima i uslugu paketomata u većim gradovima, što znači da ukoliko znate da niste kod kuće u vreme dostave, možete svom kuriru da naznačite da vam paket ostavi u vama najbližem paketomatu, odakle vaš paket možete podići u vreme koje vama odgovara.
DExpress takođe ima i opciju slanja “dan za dan” i “danas za sutra”. Ta opcija je nešto skuplja ali u slučajevima da zatreba – postoji.